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The Lacanian Review, n° 10

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TLR #10  – Paranoia

December 2020

New Lacanian School (NLS) / World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP) present:


Marie-Hélène Brousse & Cyrus Saint Amand Poliakoff

The Mystery of the Papin Sisters and the Knot of Paranoia
Laura Sokolowsky, The Mystery of the Papin Sisters and the Knot of Paranoia

Jacques Lacan, Motifs du crime paranoïaque : le crime des soeurs Papin
Jacques Lacan, Motives of Paranoiac Crimes: the Crime of the Papin Sisters

 The Clinic of Paranoia
Sophie Marret-Maleval, We’re All Mad, But Not Necessarily Paranoiacs
René Raggenbass, The Moment of the Act As Unpredictable
Dominique Rudaz, Paranoia as “Illness of the Non-Barred Other”

 A Primary Relation to the Other
Pascale Fari, Paranorama
Jacques-Alain Miller: La paranoïa, rapport primaire à l’autre
Jacques-Alain Miller: Paranoia, A Primary Relation to the Other

 Guided Paranoia
Sophie Gayard, Inaugural Knot
Lidia Ramírez, I is an other
Irene Kuperwajs, Aerate a Little the Delusion of Meaning
Anne Béraud, From the Paranoid Relation to the Inconsistency of the Other
Sandra Arruda Grostein, Case S: Fear as Mark of the Relationship with the Other
Alejandro Reinoso, The Un(bearable) Laughter of the Feminine and the Transference

 The Daemon

Jacques-Alain Miller, Lacan’s Daemon


The Art of the Paranoid Method

Salvador Dalí, Conquest of the Irrational

 Political Paranoia: Addiction and Conspiracy
Scott Wilson, QAnon and the Subject of Surveillance Capitalism
Rik Loose, The Politics of a Symptomatology: Paranoia and Addiction

 Logic of Hatred
Raphaël Liogier and Frédéric C. Baitinger, The Paranoid Logic of Hatred

 Ideas of Reference
Anna De Filippi, Among Us

Shirley Zisser, Controle as Testimony

Gary Genosko, Introduction to “The Family According to Mony Elkaïm”
Félix Guattari, The Family According to Mony Elkaïm

 It’s Everywhere
The New Lacanian School, On Paranoia Today

Jacques Borie, When Death Alone is Desirable
Shlomo Lieber, Dreams in Times of Corona


About The Lacanian Review

The Lacanian Review is a semiannual print and digital journal published in English. TLR offers newly established texts by Jacques Lacan, Jacques-Alain Miller, and prominent international figures of the Lacanian Orientation.

This series features testimonies of the pass, new theoretical developments in Lacanian psychoanalysis, dialogues with other discourses, and articles on contemporary culture, politics, art and science.

Each issue explores a theme intersecting the symptoms of our era and emerging work in the New Lacanian School (NLS) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP).

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