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Lacan – The Interpretation : the Real behind the Dream

Journée d’étude avec Alexandre Stevens et Avi Rybnicki

Disponibilité : 1 en stock


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Présentation :

The Interpretation: The Real behind the Dream
This book contains a transcription of the study day of the Initiative Vienna with Alexandre Stevens and Avi Rybnicki The Interpretation: the Real behind the Dream, which took place in Vienna and via Zoom in English on June 19–20, 2020.
This event marked the beginning of the Vienna Initiative‘s activities after a period of Corona-related impossibility to physically gather […].
Alexandre Stevens took us from the early to the late Lacan, from the semantic interpretation that generates more sense to the a-semantic interpretation that cuts the sense, from the creationist interpretation and the flash to the roar [vociferation] and the jaculation, or in other words, from the symbolic in interpretation to an orientation of interpretation towards the real […] Waking up is an encounter with the real in the face of which all words cease, an encounter in the field of tyche, and thus an impossible encounter, a missed encounter.
And yet, to wake up is the desire that Lacan tirelessly pursued and thus transcended the Freudian desire, even if traces in this direction can already be found in Freud. […]
(Extract of the editorial, written by Sarah Birgani)

Languages : english, german






The real behind – Introduction by Gerhard Reichsthaler

Das Reale dahinter – Einleitung von Gerhard Reichsthaler


Waking up – Introduction by Avi Rybnicki

Aufwachen – Einleitung von Avi Rybnicki


The Dream: its Interpretation and Use in Lacanian Treatment

Alexandre Stevens

Der Traum: seine Deutung und Verwendung in der Lacan’schen Behandlung – Alexandre Stevens





The Interpretation and the pass

Die Deutung und die Passe





Products of a cartel towards the Congress in Ghent

Cartel-Produkte in Richtung des Congresses in Ghent






Poids 0.500 kg

Date de publication

Mai 2022

Nombre de pages






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